Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to Beijing photo by Eve Kozikowski

On Friday Sept 16th,  I hurriedly packed my travel bags and prepared to make the 8000-plus-mile series of flights from Albuquerque to Beijing. Preparing for my first tapestry show in Korea at the Chae - Um Gallery Moo-Ju CC, Korea. This will be my first trip to Korea. More Soon! - Nancy Kozikowski

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Current Exhibits - Nancy Kozikowski

International 2011 Tour Show
Park Fine Art
20 First Galleria Plaza Suite 65
2011.08.05 - 2011.09.02
Albuquerque, New Mexico,87102 USA

Yu-Shin Museum of Art
Harbin, China
2011.09.14 - 2011.09.20

Chae - Um Gallery
Moo-Ju CC, Korea
2011.09.22 - 2011.10.02

Visit the personal website of Nancy Kozikowski